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TW Callaway Working With Transportation and Logistics Companys

Marketing Consulting Agency

Helping your Business Prosper in a Digital World

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Marketing is your Business's lifeblood. After all, how are your prospects going to know about you if they never see you?
Here to teach you about marketing yourself, or if you like, I can handle your marketing needs.
Set up your website, Social Media, emails, autoresponders, and so much more. Helping you Cultivate new leads/prospects.

Don't get lost in all the noise and confusion.

Due to the pandemic, Businesses / Nonprofits have had to adapt to the new normal of how Business is done.
• Mask Mandates
• Increased sales online.
• Customers are demanding transparency (Diminishing trust.)

We either have to adapt or get left behind!

I would enjoy the chance to help you move forward as the world reopens. Here are a few ways to help you move forward as businesses / Nonprofits begin to reopen after a long unwanted break.
• Need to improve your company's SEO.
• Need a lead gen campaign.
• So much Depending on your website needs to be up to date as it is a vital asset.
• Social Media has jumped more towards the forefront as a way to reach potential customers.

With customers researching companies / Nonprofits online before going to their website, the more you have to endorse your company and its products and services, the better off you are.
Marketing your company is an ongoing thing, not just when the Business starts to slow down. By continually marketing, you can make those slow times less slow.

Looking to Improve your online presence?

Add a description here.

Here are just a few benefits of working with us here at TW Callaway.

If You already have a website that you like If that's the case, let me ask you a couple of questions.

Here are just a few benefits of working with us here at TW Callaway.

• Full range of marketing services for businesses of all sizes.
• Personal 1 on one assistance and consultation on how best to improve your marketing efforts.
• Having someone that's is easy to contact for help with their marketing problems.
• We know and understand your customers and how best to relate to them.
• Reasonable rates.
• You can manage your own marketing/account with little to no help from us, or you can have us manage your marketing for you.

Is your website bringing in new customers?

While most small businesses have a website, it does not bring many customers to their store to make purchases.

How many people on average visit your website daily?

If the answer was a few per day or even a week, I ask you this: Is your website SEO (Search Engine Optimization) compliant?
Have your website Optimized for search engines such as Google, Bing, etc. It helps customers find you on the web by cutting through all the noise and clutter on the world wide web.

Do you have an online store, or Can your customers book appointments online?

Did I hear you when you said no? So, you don't have an online store or a way for customers to book appointments with you. No problem, I can set you up with an online store or a way for your customers to book appointments with you, even if you have a website already set up and running.

Do you use text messages for customers to join your email list, special offers, and more?

Texting has become a prevalent thing in today's world and allows businesses to reach the younger generations. Plus, it makes it a lot easier for customers to complete the desired action.

Segmenting email list?

Segmentation of your email list lets your customers email just those customers interested. For example, you have a particular product/service in a special sale instead of sending out a broad email to your whole list. You don't want to flood your customers' inboxes with emails on products/services that they are not interested in. that will only annoy them and spam your emails.

Send out a hundred emails with just a couple of clicks?

Have an extensive email list that you want to send an email to with Constant Contact you can. At that point, you can either write the email yourself or have it professionally done for you. So all you need to do is copy and paste, then hit the send button. You are sending it out to the segmentation you want.

Do you run a split A/B test with your email campaigns?

Testing your emails is an effective way of discovering what types of email subject lines customers will respond to and what kinds of emails. With Constant Contact, you can run a split A/B test on your emails.

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